“The end may justify the means as long as there is something that justifies the end.” ~Trotsky I didn’t really want to write this blog. I can almost write the backlash (and the misguided support) before I start. I would therefore ask that, before anyone responds, or replies to this, that they read the full thing and note the actual points I am making. Back in September a document came to light which had been issued by the senior team at Great Yarmouth Charter Academy. It was an extensive set of rules to be learned by Year 7 children during their induction period. You can find that document below.
Amongst the storm which erupted around this document, a lot of coverage was given to the rules being set out by the school. However, for me, by far the biggest issue was the nature of the document: its tone, its claims to knowledge, its treatment of other schools, its embedded messages about children, etc. Much of this was not really discussed at the time. In fact, in private conversations with people who knew the school, I was told that the document was hastily written and now considered a mistake.
Now a second document has come to light which, to all intents and purposes, has many of the same issues as the first. You can see the full document below.
Image (c) LiamGM (2024) File: Bayeux Tapestry - Motte Castle Dinan.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
August 2024