If you want to get straight to the documents, they are a the bottom of this post. To be fair, I probably need to get more of a life, but ever since the new GCSE draft specifications for history were published, I have been dying to compare them and see which I like best. Now I need to declare some personal interest before I begin - I am currently involved in writing for the America unit of the OCR B specification. However I have come at this with a genuinely open mind because what I think is good history, and what I think might be best for the students at my school are two connected but different things! What I am presenting here therefore is a summary of each of the specifications and its means of assessment. The comments are meant to help me quickly compare and contrast the options and see which might be most appropriate. I have not compared every unit as there are some I know we won't do, however the basic structure of most of the units is the same. Please feel free to let me have any comments. Before I go any further I should probably provide a bit of context. I currently head a department in a fairly average, northern state secondary. Mixed intake with a slightly lower than average % of PP students and a predominantly white intake. Our results for GCSE are historically in the 60-70% range for A*-C although it was much higher when we did the History Pilot. We get around 140 students a year choosing history (around 60% of the year group) and from very mixed abilities. Most classes have students with predictions from F/G to A*. The majority are around the B/C mark on 3LP. We get good uptake to A Level - around 50-60 per year. When looking at GCSE changes I was therefore bearing the following in mind:
The tables I offer here try to compare the offerings from different boards. it is worth noting that all boards require schools to cover: a thematic study, a period study, a British depth study, a world depth study, and a study of the historic environment. They also require that schools cover three periods: medieval, early modern and modern.
Right - no more context - here are the comparison tables. I hope they are of some use. Mr F
5/5/2015 05:10:17 am
Thanks for sharing this!
Alex Ford
5/19/2016 02:33:03 pm
I am glad it has been useful
5/19/2016 12:44:49 pm
You are a wonderful person. Good karma to you sir!!
Alex Ford
5/19/2016 02:32:38 pm
You are welcome. It is always hard to find time to trawl specs fully when there is so much else to do in schools!
1/3/2017 07:28:56 pm
This is a very useful comparison, thanks. We have started the Edexcel spec but have been talking as a department about potentially exploring AQA in future years - appears less content heavy, though as you mention, varied question stems etc.
Alex Ford
1/3/2017 08:29:49 pm
You're welcome. I think a few schools might opt to change boards after seeing the content depth involved. I actually think OCR B is quite accessible, but then I also have a vested interest there. At the end of the day you choose the best fit for the department and kids
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